Sunday, October 28, 2007

Operation Christmas Child * Feeding Fresno

Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful way to share God's love with a needy child in a third world country. Many, if not all, of the children have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ and the hope that can be found in a relationship with him. Through this mission Clovis Hills has the opportunity to serve as a growth group community which will impact children overseas. Now, if your growth group has chosen Operation Christmas Child then the next step is to...
  1. Begin by picking up a shoebox (or use any standard size shoebox) and an Operation Christmas Child brochure from the SERVE table located in the courtyard during weekend
    services or go to
    Samaritan's Purse for details.
  2. The brochure will give you the information you need to prepare a shoebox.
  3. Filled shoe boxes need to be returned to the Clovis Hills Community Church SERVE table no later than Sunday, November 11. If you miss this deadline then between Nov. 11 - 18, please take the shoe boxes directly to Baseball Greats Sports Cards, 442 Pollasky Ave. in downtown Clovis: Mon. - Sat. 10 am - 6 pm and Sun. 12 pm to 5 pm.
Then expect God to do miracles in the lives of your growth group as you "go global"!

Feeding Fresno is another way for growth groups to serve in our local community. Feeding Fresno reaches out to churches, families, and organizations in a concerted effort to put food on the tables of economically disadvantaged individuals. Over 100,000 bags of groceries are given every year! If you can sort food, stock supplies or greet folks with a smile then THIS may be your local mission.

Go to Miracles of Christmas for details on serving on mission with Operation Christmas Child, Feeding Fresno or choose from the many options...check it out!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Miracles Of Christmas

Clovis Hills is currently going through the series called Miracles of Jesus. It's an awesome look into the miracles performed by Jesus...many opportunities to explore the Scriptures in a growth group and learn more about God and the saving grace that can only be found in Jesus.

Today, the opportunity to serve as a growth group on mission began with the Miracles of Christmas! Through the churchwide study of Miracles of Jesus many people will begin to realize modern day miracles of God throughout this study. Thus the vision is to begin praying about where God would have your growth group serve. The Missions Team at Clovis Hills has put together many ways to serve. It is our hope and prayer that as a growth group you will seek God's plan for the mission that He intends for your growth group to participate in. Then sign up and expect to experience God as he performs miracles in and through you on mission!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Sunil Sardar's Stop Caste Now

In about a month Clovis Hills has a team of 3 people who will join Sunil on mission in India. They along with others from around the U.S. will join pastors and lay leaders in India who are working towards caste reconciliation. View the video and prayerfully consider joining the team next year during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Vacation...God's Gift

I try to blog every week...mostly on Sundays when I get a moment. Blogging does not come naturally to me however, I'm beginning to appreciate the value in sharing some of my thoughts.

Well, I did not write anything last week because I was on vacation! Woo, hoo! It was a great time of relaxing, regeneration and just plain catching up on stuff around the house. I'm so busy most days that I don't spend a lot of time shopping for personal stuff much less household stuff. Then there is the car maintenance stuff that usually has to be squeezed into my crazy schedule and I get more stressed by it all. So, I decided that this vacation was to be a low key experience and I ended up catching up on a lot of "maintenance" in my life.

My last vacation I ended spending a lot of time dealing with some of my dad's needs - he has Alzheimer's and is living in a facility for now. So, needless to say that one was not very fact, I couldn't wait to get back to work! Certainly, I'm still dealing with dad stuff but I intentionally decided to focus on some time for me amidst everything else. It worked! I did get some "me" time and returned to work this past week rested and renewed...God is good! I also was able to travel for the weekend to the Grand Canyon with my old friend that I've known since the 3rd grade...we go wwwwway back! It was a great time with an old friend exploring an incredible creation of God. Awesome!

If you have not had a vacation in a while...schedule one ASAP and let God be your "travel guide"!