Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sweet Spot

What image comes to mind when you think of the phrase "sweet spot"? I know that in tennis there is a "sweet spot" on the racquet. In softball...the bat has a "sweet spot". As we do life...the term is used in reference to an experience that is "sweet"! All this talk of sweet is making me think of ice cream which of course, is SWEET! Anyway, I'm typing the word so much that I'm beginning to question the spelling! Have you ever done that?? Ok, enough distractions...back to the discussion...

Lately, I've been reflecting on my own "sweet spot" in ministry. It's been a challenging time as I juggle work, family, school and attempting to maintain a healthy personal & social life. On the family front, my dad has alzheimers and is now going to live with me, my mom, sister and niece...I have a house full! It's a very stressful time and one that I was not entirely prepared for but nonetheless have to deal with...when you think of it you can pray for me and my family. The school situation is a place where I am stimulated and energized...I love learning new stuff! I am pursuing a Master's degree in Intercultural Missions at the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary in Fresno...I'm now just 20 units towards completing my degree! My work is the full-time ministry that I get to do both in missions and singles.

This week I've been "knee deep" in serving through World Changers. So you can see...there is not much time for reflection. However, I've encountered my "sweet spot" in ministry this week. As I've been out and about visiting the 23 sites being worked on, interacting with the homewners, sharing a meal with the crews, hanging out with the students...I've "tasted" the "sweet fruit" of Jesus. It's been very cool. It's like a gift from God during a very stressful time in my's like He is giving me a glimpse of heaven. Thus, I am reminded of all the missions projects & trips that I've been on...I always seem to get a glimpse of what heaven must be like...and it is "SWEET"!

My hope is that you also will experience the "sweet spot" of ministry in wherever you serve the Kingdom.

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