Sunday, September 16, 2007

Serve: My Community

Serving is more than volunteering. It's investing in eternal things, making an impact in people’s lives and serving from a grateful heart. SERVE is the third of four areas of discipleship being discussed in the current series. An amazing thing happens when you get connected to God through serving in an area that uses the gifts and talents that God has equipped you with...then add passion - watch out world...God is at work! It is truly awesome to encounter God through serving...try it - you won't regret it!

Serving as a disciple of Jesus reflects two of our values at Clovis Hills. One is Grateful Service: A generous heart and the other is Open Acceptance: A heart for the lost. To serve in a ministry of the church AND to be part of a growth group on mission is the way to reflect the values of Clovis Hills. I appreciate and agree with Rick Warren when he states that there are really two essential parts of serving: ministry - service to believers and mission - service to unbelievers. The important balance to maintain is to find where God wants you to serve in ministry and mission. Not sure where to begin? Pray and think about the following outline as you discover your place of service:

Submit to God’s service
Experience God’s blessings
Reflect God’s son
Validate God’s calling
Expand God’s kingdom

Jesus stated in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, 20:

"…Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Making disciples begins at home, in our church and in our community. Now, as it applies to missions the vision is My Community which is serving on mission in our local community with my growth group. So, in your growth group begin praying about where God wants your group to serve on mission in our local community. Then watch and experience God at work through your obedience!

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